Get Organized…… Paper Clutter, part 1
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Get Organized…… Paper Clutter, part 1

There are many types of clutter but what we hear about most from our clients is paper clutter, specifically mail and kids schoolwork/forms. There is no one size fits all method to this daily struggle so I’ll cover a few ideas. But the main thing you need to realize is that paper comes into your home everyday which means you need to keep up on it everyday in order for it not to overwhelm you and your counters.

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Get Organized…… for the New Year
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Get Organized…… for the New Year

It may only be December but New Year's resolutions always come to mind as the holiday season winds down. Generally people think of their physical health for resolutions. Eating better, exercise more and getting enough sleep are widely popular. But other things top the list as well and make your mental health a priority such as spending less time on a screen, making time for hobbies that are important to you and, you guessed it, finally getting organized! Keep reading to make this your most organized year!

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Get Organized…Holiday Edition
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Get Organized…Holiday Edition

The holidays are right around the corner! This is a very exciting time, but for a lot of families it can be stressful as well. The parties, the decorations, the shopping and elaborate meals all come at us in a rush.  But it’s fine.  We’re all fine.  EVERYTHING IS FINE! So take a breath, have your morning coffee or tea and lets break it down to make your holidays less stressful and more fun!

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Get Organized… Cold & Flu Edition
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Get Organized… Cold & Flu Edition

Here we are again…cold and flu season has started. Just a few weeks into school and I’ve already had a kid swabbed for strep and both have been stuffy and congested. I don’t know if I’m ready for it to be honest. But before we really get into the thick of it there are some easy ways to prepare for the inevitable.

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Garage Organizing…for Real Life!
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Garage Organizing…for Real Life!

Oh, the garage. That mysterious cavern where holiday decorations, gardening tools, and that thing you bought while late night scrolling (because, obviously, you needed it) all seem to form into a mountain of "I'll sort it out later." Well, guess what? 'Later' has arrived, and now is the time to tackle this behemoth once and for all.

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Decluttering vs Organizing…What’s the difference?
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Decluttering vs Organizing…What’s the difference?

We get this question all of the time. By the time a prospective client calls us they are frustrated and overwhelmed. They have tried everything but the stuff keeps piling up. Does this sound like you? Keep reading then!

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Simple Ways to Organize This Summer
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Simple Ways to Organize This Summer

Now that summer has FINALLY arrived, we can start having some fun while keeping our new routines as organized as possible. Summer is short lived and you don’t want to waste it searching for stuff! This post is geared more towards keeping the kids organized but anyone can use these simple tips to form new habits which is 90% of the battle when it comes to staying organized.

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Should You Bother Decanting Your Food?
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Should You Bother Decanting Your Food?

You’ve seen it on social media. It’s all the rage. Taking all of your pantry items from one container and putting it into another. It looks beautiful. It’s very organized for sure. But is it worth your time?

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DECLUTTER? But What Do You Mean??
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

DECLUTTER? But What Do You Mean??

One of the biggest questions we get asked when talking with new or potential clients is “are you going to make me get rid of all of my stuff.” The short answer is always no. We won’t make you do anything you don’t want. But we also remind people why they called in the first place.

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Organize Those Ornaments …and Other Holiday Storage Tips!
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Organize Those Ornaments …and Other Holiday Storage Tips!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! As the Christmas Season is in full swing and most of us have decked the halls….did you take a good look at how you put away those decorations last year? Were the lights tangled? Ornaments crushed or broken? Was there absolutely no rhyme or reason to how you stored things? Well don’t worry!! There are some really simple solutions that you can implement this year when you are packing it all back up!

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Kitchen Organizing Basics
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Kitchen Organizing Basics

Most of us spend our time at home in the kitchen, even if you aren’t necessarily a master chef. So it makes sense that this needs to be the most organized space. But it’s often the most cluttered. A kitchen is a place for cooking, eating, gathering and yes dumping all of our stuff. With a few tweaks to your space (and your habits) you can have a kitchen that works for you instead of against you. :

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Making the Move…An Organizers Take on Moving Part 2
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Making the Move…An Organizers Take on Moving Part 2

Moving is a stressful situation no matter how excited you are about it. We’ve all done it and we’ve all had those I wish I had done this before, or I wish I had this product. If you missed part one in this blog series you can check it out here.

Today we are talking about unpacking. Unpacking from a move can seem overwhelming and when you do it professionally like we do you tend to have a lot of expectations of how it’s going to go.

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How To Switch Your Closet For The Season
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

How To Switch Your Closet For The Season

My favorite season is Autumn. I know I know. Summer is still technically happening but with school starting all things fall soon follow. The leaves change, the temps drop, the boots and cozy sweaters make an appearance. Thats what I wanted to talk to you about. How do you transition your closet from summer to fall when somedays you need a sundress and somedays that cardigan is calling your name?

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Are You Ready For Summer Camp?
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Are You Ready For Summer Camp?

It’s that time of year! School is winding down, weather is heating up, and after a VERY long year things are starting to look a bit more “normal”. Barbecues, beach days, and summer camps are on their way. Whether your child is enrolled in a dance camp or a true old fashioned sleep away camp in the woods there are basic things every camper needs. Read on to find some camp preparation tips to make sure your camper has the best summer ever!

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Making the Move…An Organziers Take on Moving Part 1
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Making the Move…An Organziers Take on Moving Part 1

As a home organizer, I love helping my clients prepare for a move. I love working with moving companies, and I LOVE making a client’s transition into their new home less stressful. This past month I had to move myself and it was a challenge for me because I wasn’t moving into my permanent home. I was moving into a temporary space until my actual apartment was finished with construction. That’s right. I had to prepare to move twice. I had to think carefully about what my son and I really needed until our next home was ready for us. I also had to be very particular about how I packed and labeled my boxes as they were going into storage for the time being. I was about to become my own client and a pretty demanding one at that!

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My Wallet is Missing!
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

My Wallet is Missing!

Quick! Your wallet has been stolen! Name every single item that was in it! I know I can’t, can you? Read on for tips to help you remain calm when your wallet is lost or stolen.

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The Un-Lazy Susan
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

The Un-Lazy Susan

Lazy Susan's can be used in so many places and with so many unique options you will be surprised on how your place looks and how organized you can become!

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Toy Donations…what to do with ALL those toys before the Holidays
Kristen Salera Kristen Salera

Toy Donations…what to do with ALL those toys before the Holidays

It’s almost October! You know what that means?? The holidays are just around the corner! And with the holidays comes all the excess. Excess candy, excess food…and excess toys! Don’t get me wrong I love the excess. It’s part of the holiday excitement. What I don’t love is waking up on December 26th and wonder where the hell I’m putting all these toys!! Actually I’m lying. I never wonder. I always have a plan guys. I’m a professional organizer! So here’s what I do year round to keep the toys from taking over….

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