Are You Ready For Summer Camp?

by: Tara Lorenz

It’s that time of year! School is winding down, weather is heating up, and after a VERY long year things are starting to look a bit more “normal”.  Barbecues, beach days, and summer camps are on their way. Whether your child is enrolled in a dance camp or a true old fashioned sleep away camp in the woods there are basic things every camper needs. Below find some packing tips to have the best summer ever!

First things first, check your enrollment forms from the organization you signed your child up with. Each camp will require different items depending on activities and location. Is your child spending most of the day indoors doing dance or gymnastics activities? Sunscreen isn't necessarily on the top of the list but if they are taking any field trips for ice cream or having lunch outside, lathering your kids up prior to camp will be a good idea. Here are some other good tips for day camps…..


Make a list of every single item required from your camp. Then add in items your child may need on top of the requirements.  I suggest not grouping items together like ”pool stuff”. Write down each individual item and check it off as you pack it.


Like right now! Do not wait until the day before. There will for certain be something you don’t have.


We can’t stress this enough! Kids lose everything we all know that. They get so caught up in the fun of camp they rush through putting their things away. If everything is labeled it will make it a lot easier for the camp directors to help get everybody’s rightful possessions home for the night. Backpacks, water bottles, shoes, even ice packs! (Don’t ask me how but my daughter lost an ice pack at camp from her lunchbox even though she barely ate her lunch).  Labels can be as simple as a permanent marker or customized waterproof stickers. Check out Mabels Labels for an extensive collection of adorable personalized camp labels and stickers.


Even if its not required by the camp, packing a spare set of clothing, underwear included, is a good idea. Drinks get spilled, accidents happen. Best to be prepared.


Most camps will offer suggestions for shoes based on their activities. Crocs or similar quick drying shoes are always a good bet. They offer the support and protection of a sneaker but the ease of a sandal. When in doubt a quick email to the director will do!


If there will be water activities like a pool, lake, or even a water table those wet clothes, bathing suits and towels need to go somewhere. Keep the rest of their belonging dry by packing a wet bag to keep everything separate.


We all know how unpredictable the weather is. Check the forecast each day and send in extra items. A light sweatshirt for chilly mornings, rain boots, raincoat or umbrella for summer storms, a wide brimmed or baseball hat to protect from the harsh sun, sunscreen so they can reapply as necessary. It may seem like a lot but you’ll feel good knowing they are prepared for everything.


Check the enrollment forms on what your camp offers. Some camps offer all snacks and meals, some offer just snacks, and others may ask you to provide it all. Remember to check their allergy policy and ask about any items you are unsure of. If your child has an allergy, a direct conversation with the director will ensure everyone is on the same page. I have found some camps are a strict “no peanuts allowed” and others it depends on the children enrolled in that camp that week. When it comes to allergies there are never too many questions!

OVERNIGHT camps take into account all of the above and more. Kristen, Owner of Salera Home Solutions, found herself daunted with the task of sending her son to sleep away camp for the first time.  Yes home organizers get overwhelmed too! Here are some of the things she found to make it more manageable.


Tackle that camp list in steps. Print out a copy of the camps requirements and put it somewhere you will see everyday. The fridge or family command center. Do a once over and check to see what you already have. Do this now. Sending your child away for weeks at a time requires planning!! This will save time and money.


You now know what you have. Start making a list for those items that you don’t have. Separating by categories (i.e. clothes, bedding, sporting goods. etc) makes it easier to tackle. You want to start early as not everything they will need is on Amazon(shocking, right!) and shipping prices can be crazy.  Overnight camps usually have a website they have an affiliation with. They may also have items on that website you may be missing that are specific for their camp program. Everything Summer Camp is a great resource!

If you are going to a speciality camp like a sports camp, ask what equipment is required for each activity and what is being provided. This will not only save space but money as well. Most camps have a family portal for this information. Check it twice and always send an email if confused. You can’t just send items the next day! 

Remember buy over time, not all at once. Items for overnight camp can add up quickly! After you have your list of must haves from the camp, ask your child if they have any must haves. A special photo, book, stuffed animal. I’ve know 10 year old boys to keep their favorite stuffy at the bottom of their sleeping bag before.


If possible, have a section in your home to corral items as you purchase or dig out from storage. Check it off the list! Keep these items organized by type so you can clearly see what you have. 

Pack items with your child and explain what things are for. Many overnight camps require different color shirts for spirit days, or clothing for special events. A great option for these special items is to pack them in gallon ziplock bags and label them so your camper knows exactly what it’s for.

Make sure you are checking the items that are NOT allowed at camp. If you don't see any items ask. Some camps do not allow electronics of any kind, and if found the camper is asked to leave.

Camps encourage their campers to write back home to family and friends. Add stamps, envelopes, and stationary to their luggage. Ask your child if there are any friends that they would like to write so you can ensure you have their addresses. Pre addressed stamped envelopes will take the guesswork out for them as well! Along these same lines, sneak in a few letters from home they can open while away. Phone conversations are limited and this could help ease their homesickness.


Gone are the days of dropping off your camper with their luggage. Many camps require a truck service or using a service like FedEx or UPS. Ask the camp what truck service they offer. Book early as they offer discounts that definitely add up.


If you plan on staying over Visiting Day weekend, and you didn't make a hotel reservation...stop reading this blog and do it right now! Don't wait until the last minute because you won't be able to get a place!

Summer camp is an amazing time for your kids. We hope these tips helped you take control of your camp lists. Are there any tips we missed? Let us know!


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