Simple Ways to Organize This Summer

Now that summer has FINALLY arrived, we can start having some fun while keeping our new routines as organized as possible. Summer is short lived and you don’t want to waste it searching for stuff!  This post is geared more towards keeping the kids organized but anyone can use these simple tips to form new habits which is 90% of the battle when it comes to staying organized.

Now is the time to get all your kids school work and mementos from the past year under control. Sort through each kids pile and purge the items you don’t find truly special. Then file it wherever it makes sense to you- a keepsake bin, file folder, or digitally. Do one kid at a time or one part at a time like sorting and purging one day and storing or snapping pictures the next to not get overwhelmed. And of course if the thought of this gives you a panic attack reach out to us and we can get it done FOR you!

Think about the items that your family uses every day in the summer. Store them where you are using them.  Sunglasses and hats can have their own hooks and baskets by the door used most. Bug spray and sunscreen kept in a bin where you generally apply. If this is multiple places then have a couple of bins.  I have a caddy like this on a shelf in the garage. My neighbor has a similar set up on her back deck. Try keeping a bin in the car so you don’t have an oh crap moment when you leave the house.

Have a spot for the sandy shoes and wet bathing suits right when you get back from the pool or beach. Make it a habit to take care of these items right when you get home. If we are getting home from the beach everything goes straight in the washer. If it’s the pool I extend the wear time another day or so and wet suits and towels are hung over the deck railing. It eliminates the wet suits in a pile on the floor or the one time they use the hamper.

Speaking of hampers, this is the time to get your kids trained in the art of laundry!  Littles can absolutely sort lights from darks and help match socks when it comes time to fold. You can make it super easy with a hamper that has separated compartments. Older kids can handle starting the machine and switching loads and can absolutely put their own clothes away. I started the rule that if they have a full hamper it’s up to them to start the laundry process and I will help but I am not responsible when they have nothing to wear.  Wish me luck!

hall tree

Maybe your work schedule hasn’t changed but your kids are in multiple places every week whether it’s a camp, a relative or a friends house. Just like the school year they need a designated spot to drop their stuff when they get home each night. If they have a daily drop zone already set up great! Just continue using that.  If not, now is the time to set one up wherever they come and go.  A simple hook or bin for their bag and a designated spot for shoes such as a basket, cubby or shoe rack. Or try a hall tree with all of these features built right in! Have them pack their bags each night to prepare for the next day and get their clothes ready to go. Keeping these routines in place over the summer will alleviate stress come September.

Use those long car rides to your advantage and do some data clearing on your phone. Delete emails, pictures, unused apps etc. This is definitely a never ending process that once under control should be managed monthly at the very least. My mom told me she organized  some childhood family photos for me and brought them by one day. There are probably 150 photos from my whole childhood. I have 150 photos from the last 2 days. 1986 was such a simple time. Keeping your phone clutter free is just as important as keeping on top of your physical space.

What are some of the ways you keep organized once summer hits? We’d love to hear about them in the comments!


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