Get Organized…Holiday Edition

The holidays are right around the corner! This is a very exciting time, but for a lot of families it can be stressful as well. The parties, the decorations, the shopping and elaborate meals all come at us in a rush.  But it’s fine.  We’re all fine.  EVERYTHING IS FINE! So take a breath, have your morning coffee or tea and lets break it down to make your holidays less stressful and more fun!


It’s always a good idea to consistently clean out your pantry but it’s essential before the holidays. If you are a master chef hosting your whole extended family or you make that one special dish every year,  you want to make sure you have all the ingredients ahead of time. Write up a menu and check your pantry. Make sure you have enough and it’s in date (pro tip- if it’s expired please throw it out!) Highlight the ingredients you need so when you make your shopping list there is no question what you need. This helps streamline your process and eliminates second guessing and overbuying while at the store. Do I have cinnamon sticks at home? I’ll grab some just in case. This is the beginning of clutter my friends.  Another simple touch is using fresh ingredients for a stove top blend to enhance the aroma of your house at any time!  I like to simmer a pot of water, slice up 2 lemons, 3 limes, an orange and a cinnamon stick just before guests arrive. 


Creating a warm and cozy home around the holidays is my favorite thing to do. It doesn’t need to be elaborate. Simple greenery and warm lights is an easy way to decorate. Some people go all out and it’s so fun to see different styles and traditions this time of year. One thing we suggest to make decorating easy each year is to take it all down in an organized fashion. Read Organize those Ornaments… and other holiday storage tips   for some great post holiday tips. 


What’s supposed to be fun and joyful can sometimes turn stressful and overwhelming. Yup I’m talking about gifts. There’s so much pressure to get just the right gift that we tend to overlook what’s most important…spending time with friends and family and letting them know you care. Make a list of who you will be buying for and give some thought about what it is they may like before you head out or jump online to save some time. If you are hosting people that you generally don’t exchange gifts with, something simple like candy and home made treats or a pre made gift basket would be perfect. It’s a good idea to have a few extra gifts on hand like scented candles or boxes of chocolates for those unexpected plus ones. But remember to not feel obligated for the extra gifts! It’s a nice to do, not a need to do!!

Gift cards are also a good choice. I personally never get upset with a gift card! If you feel that it is impersonal you could always add a little item with it. For example, a gift card to a restaurant could come with a free babysitting note for those parents of younger kids. A gift card to a spa could be boxed up with an eye mask or a massage bar. A little extra touch will make it feel a bit more special. 

If you prefer, you could even eschew gifts altogether and spend quality time with your loved ones instead. Get together with your friends for dinner out, spend a weekend away with your family, or organize a neighborhood game night. After all, memories are what last!


Creating a designated wrapping station is a great idea during this time of the year. This could be a gift wrap cart that can be stored in a closet or tucked in a corner and pulled out when needed. You could carve out a spot in a craft room, office space, or basement. If space is a limitation, consider storing all your supplies in an under bed bin and sliding it away when not in use. Don't overlook the back of your doors for simple storage solutions like this one either.  Once you have your spot make sure you have all the essentials- tape, scissors, ribbons and bows, gift tags and labels and of course extra tape and scissors because they always disappear!!



Hosting over night guests? No problem! If you have a designated guest room make sure you clear it of anything that doesn’t belong in there. Have some empty hangers in the closet, empty a few dresser drawers for them to be able to unpack. Place fresh sheets and blankets on the bed and have a set of towels laid out.  Place a basket of toiletries in the bathroom for those items they may have forgotten. You can also go the extra mile and purchase items like soaps and lotions you know they love to use and add it to the basket.

If they are staying in another room such as a kids bedroom or family room, try to offer the same types of amenities. If they are staying on a pull out sofa or air mattress, can the room stay set up as a bedroom for a couple of days? If not, have a designated spot like a closet or large basket to store pillows and blankets between uses. 

If you have guests that stay for a couple of days look into local events to add some extra festivity to your time together.  Around Thanksgiving there are parades and charity runs. Black Friday shopping could be something you plan into your visit. Around Christmas a Santa meet and greet for the littles, a luminary event, caroling, or special services at your place of worship could keep your guests entertained and take the stress off of you.


Finally, remember to give yourself a break. Make a list of all the things you think you need to do for the holidays. You may find that there are things that won't ruin your holidays if they aren't done. We have a weekly planner page to help you get organized! So, take away some of that pressure and spend your energy on the things you want to do. 

If you haven’t checked out our printables head on over to our website. We have a weekly planner page to help you get organized! 

Happy holidays!


Get Organized…… for the New Year


Get Organized… Cold & Flu Edition