The Un-Lazy Susan

by: Tara Lorenz

Lazy Susan’s have been around forever.  But where did the name come from?  It is thought to have been an invention of Thomas Jefferson for his daughter originally called a dumbwaiter. Or perhaps it came from the British. No one is exactly sure but we do know there are so many ways to utilize a Lazy Susan. Here are a few of our favorites. Bonus points if you count how many times I use Lazy Susan.


This is a no brainer. I use my Lazy Susan for all my small bottle and jars. This deep version keeps items from falling over easily. You could use a divided one for kids snacks like yogurt and cheese sticks as well.


Pantry corners can be a challenging area to organize. They can be deep and items have a tendency to get shoved aside or knocked over. Put a Lazy Susan in the corner to corral smaller items like baking supplies.  I have few like this one placed in the center of my pantry where the cabinet frame is supported. I can’t pull anything out easily, but having a small turntable for cans and jars is super convenient.


Always knocking over spices to find the one you need? Try corralling them onto a single or double tier Lazy Susan depending on your space.


I have never been blessed with a spacious kitchen sink cabinet. I always seem to have numerous pipes and other plumbing necessities making storage solutions a pain.Try using a Lazy Susan, like this one from Target, to store you most used supplies for easy access.


Linen closets aren’t just for your sheets and blankets. Use a clear divided Lazy Susan for first aid supplies or medications.


Keep your hair and skincare products close at hand AND neat. Depending on your space you can use this method on the counter top or under the sink. Use a divided version like this one from Target for all of your mani/pedi needs too.


Think googly eyes, pom poms, and craft sticks. I found this rotating one with removable stacking canisters on Amazon but you can certainly DIY one with some jars or cans. It would be great for a homeschool area as well.


As soon as you sit down to dinner do your kids start asking for things?  Just me? Place everyday items like salt and pepper, napkins and utensils on a decorative wooden version of the Lazy Susan. You can even bring it outside to a bbq or picnic.


But what about those really deep corner cabinets? If you have a large cabinet with a Lazy Susan built in how do you keep that organized? For mine I use it for larger appliances and cooking items like crock pots and strainers. If you use yours to store food items or baking supplies give these wedge shaped organizers a try. They keep everything separated and contained so things don't go flying  with every spin.

Well there you have it. Our favorite ways to use Lazy Susans. Did we miss any? How do you use your Lazy Susan?


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